Friday, August 19, 2005


Main Entry: birth·right
Pronunciation: 'b&rth-"rIt
Function: noun
: a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth

I was thinking about this the other day. It seems we all have a birthright, both in terms of privledges and expectations about who we are or what we are to become. Here are my takes on our respective expectations, as I see them. Feel free to agree, disagree or comment.

Joe: Joe is expected to rise above the bullshit. Among the group his path is the most challenging, one he alone is suited for. This theme is most strongly shaped by Joe during our highschool years: kicking ass with little to no support from family; people often trying to drag him down, yet fighting them off and persevering; excelling in sports when no one can really explain why; prospering in the academic field. In recent years he has been embattled on all sides, be it financial, educational, health or personal problems. Light can be seen at the end of this tunnel, though. The group still remembers his potential and patiently maintains these high expectations, knowing full well what he is capable of.

Weston: This man's journey has been strugglele to find balance as of late. Formerly athletic ability and academic success were held in balance, but in recent years much has been forfeit in exchange for professional success. The scale is beginning to right itself, although consistency remains an issue. Emotional fluctuation has been a challenge in the past, but this appears to be tempering itself with age. Weston's birthright is the middle path--without extreme excess in most regards (except the consumption of ice cream sandwiches). He may require the help of one outside the circle to consummate this balance.

Jeff: His is the role of the facilitator. Inititation and decision making are not his forte, but he is the grease which makes the machine run smoothly. Similarly, he is the glue which binds the group. Although much good and enjoyment can come without him, there is a sort of awkwardness (perhaps even Sehnsucht) in his absence. As such, his title of Commander is apt--he helps to ensure harmony among the crew. His jovial nature is matched by his bulky frame, it is his destiny to be "the biggest and the strongest". Expectations of him becoming a more 'streamlined' member of the team are both unrealistic and unwarranted.

Vic: In as much as Jeff is the glue of our association, so Vic is the 'spark'. He is the man with a plan, seldom without idea or inspiration. Vic is both the navigator and the helmsman--constantly questioning the worth of our destination, but ensuring we arrive there safely. Always with an eye to the future, he yet manages to live fully in the present. He among all others most keenly appreciates the finer things in life--be it mean and woman or the altogether more important friendships that he strives daily to maintain and strengthen.

Jon: At one time I may have had the guile (or arrogance) to profile myself in such a way, but no longer. I submit myself to your judgments.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I'm damn busy.

I'll post when I can, but there are no guarantees until month's end.